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Common User Account(s) Setup Questions and Answers

Q: How do I create a user account?

A. Navigate to CRM menu Administration > Users. Click on + New user. Enter a unique username, first/last name, and select user type. Select site id and sectional access on the following tabs and then save. The new user will receive a link by email to create a password.  For more detailed information, click here

Q: How do I delete or de-activate a user account?

A. User accounts can be deleted within the Account settings @ CRM menu Administration > Accounts.    

Q. I created a new site id, but my partners can't access it with their login/user accounts. 

A. When a new site id is created, access needs to be given to other every other user within your CRM account in order for them to view it within their login accounts. This includes the main user account that was created when you signed up with the CRM. When creating a new site id under CRM menu CRM > Sites, at the bottom of the page exists a "Grant Permission to Users" dropdown. Selecting users within this dropdown will grant them access to the new site id. If this step is skipped, then access needs to be given to each user separately within the User Account settings under CRM menu Administration > Users under the Accounts/Site Access. 

 Q. How do I add or remove sections from a user?

A. You can add/remove sections within the Sections tab in User settings.  

Q: How do I give access to a call center that already has other Accounts in the CRM?

A. Please reach out to support to help you with your request. 


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